The main function of Stainless Steel Flower Basket Screw is to tighten and adjust the tightness of the wire rope. Through the design of left-hand and right-hand threads, the tension of the wire rope can be easily adjusted, which is suitable for various occasions where the tightness of the wire rope needs to be adjusted. The specific application scenarios of Flower Basket Screw include: positioning devices for power lines, high-voltage tower pull rods, bundling in component transportation, tightness adjustment in installation correction, etc., and are also widely used in cargo bundling, sling connections, and steel structure cable rod connectors in logistics. Flower Basket Bolt is mainly divided into three types: cast malleable cast iron, ordinary carbon steel, and forged according to different manufacturing processes and molding methods. Forged turnbuckle screws and ordinary carbon steel turnbuckle bolts are mainly used in the market. Az acélvirág kosár csavart olyan fontos alkalmakkor használják, mint például az emelés, a rakománycsomagolás megerősítése stb., És a szokásos szénacél gördülőcsavarokat elsősorban nem fontos alkalmakkor használják statikus csomagoláshoz és stabil feszültséghez.